Dutch Winterhulp Collectors Badge


Dutch Winterhulp Collectors Badge.

1 in stock

Article Number:

SKU: 50488


Dutch Winterhulp (Winter Aid) Collectors Badge.

A light aluminum pin in nice condition. This pin was worn by collectors of the Winterhulp.
The Netherlands Winterhulp Foundation was established by decree on October 22, 1940 by Reich Commissioner Seyss-Inquart, following the example of the national socialist Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes. The aim of this charity was ‘to provide help and support to needy Dutch citizens without regard to persons’. Like the German example, Winterhulp mainly provided food and clothing. Soon, families with National Socialist sympathies were favored, while open opponents of the ‘New Order’ and Jews did not have to count on welfare. Because NSB (National Socialist Movement were massively involved in the collections, the organization was not popular with the population.