Soldbuch, dogtag and paperwork Inf. Ers. Rgt. 24.


Soldbuch, dogtag and paperwork Inf. Ers. Rgt. 24.

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Soldbuch, dogtag and paperwork Inf. Ers. Rgt. 24.

Soldbuch, dogtag and paperwork Inf. Ers. Rgt. 24
Name: Harry Dittrich
The group consists of:
– Soldbuch.
– Dogtag – the number 339 corresponds to the number noted in the soldbuch.
– Cetificate Kriegsverdienst 2.Klasse mit Schwertern (belongs to his brother)
– E-schein Entlausungsschein – Delouse certificate.
– insert sheet about the ilness Ruhr (Shigellosis), vaccinations in his Soldbuch.
– Insert sheet about the ilness Flecksieber (Typhus). Vaccinations in his Soldbuch.
– 3x Merkblatt über selbsthilfe bei kampfstoffeinwirkung (Self-help against chemical warfare) 1 x dated 22.4.41, 2 x dated 1.2.43
– Punktbewertungsliste – A paper to show how many rationpoints you needed to buy certain cloth.

Al paperwork is in good condition although they have some water stains.
Harry Dittrich received the Iron Cross 2nd Class and the Ostmedaille.