German WWII Black Medic Pouch & Contents.


German WWII Black Medic Pouch & Contents.

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German WWII Black Medic Pouch & Contents.

German WWII Black Medic Pouch & Contents.
The pouch is marked: + Z.D.V.R.K. + . The leather is still very flexible
– Triangular cloth (two stamps with tekst: SanitätsColonne vom Roten Kreuz – Bad Köstritz and written on it: San. Kol. Bad Kastritz Nº 11).
– Bandage (Verbandstof-Industrie A.G. Berlin11 24. Faden abstreifen. 1933. Im Dampfe keimfrei gemacht bei 120°).
– Bandage (EbI S.-A verbandpackchen).
– Bandage (Bederna-Verbandpäckchen Heeresmodell Dr. Bader & Schluckwerd Chemnitz).
– 3 Bandages wrapped in paper, no tekst.
– Small bottle (Baldriantinktur. Adler-Drogerie).
– Small bottle (Salmiakgeist. Adler-Drogerie).
– Small bottle (Hoffmannstropfen. Spir. Aether).

Although this is often claimed, the pouch and the contents come from one source. Guaranteed!